Hello! I'm hoping that you're here because you're an alumnus of the 1986 Governor's Scholars Program at the University of Kentucky. If so, please leave a comment and let us know what you've been up to!
By the way... 200 bonus points will be awarded to the person who posts the first comment!
Hey Tom. It's Alan Simpson. I got your letter today. It was good to hear from you. I hope you get a good response here. I will now bore you with the details of mu life:
I have been in jail for the past 15 years. Luckily for me, I work there and get to go home at night. I run the library there and also work 3 days a week at the public library. I've been married for almost 18 years and have a 14 year old son and 10 year old daughter.
Please ignore the blog attached to my log in name, it was a blog for training at work. My real, much neglected one is at theycallmetater.wordpress.com. You can also find me on Facebook(www.facebook.com/jalansimpson), Twitter(twitter.com/theycallmetater) and friendfeed(www.friendfeed.com/theycallmetater) I would be interested in a reunion. Just let me know when and where.
Hey Alan, great to hear from you! I suppose I should also share what I've been up to all these years.
I've been working at Fidelity Investments for about 12 years. I still live in Northern Kentucky, just outside Cincinnati. And I still love playing, collecting, and listening to music. I now have about 500 CD's in my collection, which ranges from the 1920's to today. (Rick Marshall, if you're reading this, I figure you're partly to blame for that!)
I'm also on Facebook; click here to add me as a friend.
Hi, Tom, this is Carroll. I got your letter yesterday. It's been so long since we got an actual letter that opening it was like the caveman scene from '2001'--we poked it, sniffed it, tried to eat it, then (after searching on Google) realized it was something to read. For years, I've been trying to reconnect with folks, and having little success at it, so kudos to you for going the snail mail route.
After GSP, I went to Georgetown, then off to law school. Since passing the bar in 1997, I've been living in DC, accumulating the usual compliment of spouses (1) and children (3), and working for a series of environmental non-profits. (I think you left me a phone message when I was at Greenpeace, but I inadvertently deleted it. Doh!)
At the moment, I'm consulting, editing a book, and trying to stop the cat from eating my laptop.
I look forward to hearing from everyone, and I love the reunion idea.
Hi, it's Lori (Ford) Durham here. After GSP I attended Centre College and majored in mathematics (also got my teaching certificate). Some of you may know my husband, Keith Durham, who also attended the same GSP session. We married in 1991, live in Lexington, and have three kids under 6. I taught high school for 13 years but am now in the second year of being a stay-at-home mom. I would love to hear from friends from that summer.
Tom, it's great to hear from you! Thank you for taking the initiative to reach out to us. Hello to all GSP '86 alums. I enjoyed reading your comment, Alan's, Lori's and Carroll's (hello, rabbit!). I would like to attend a reunion.
After GSP, I graduated from the University of Evansville. I moved to Houston to attend law school. After graduating and passing the bar in 1993, I got married and became a prosecutor for the city of Houston. After 2 years as a civil litigator, I moved to Dallas to become the assistant chief prosecutor. I did that until 2004 when I was appointed a Dallas municipal court judge.
I look forward to corresponding with you (all or y'all) and seeing you (all or y'all)!
Hi Tom and all- Thanks for making the effort to look everyone up.
After 4 yrs apart for college, but still dating, Laura Berryman and I got married and went to Caltech for grad school together. We both got PhDs (Chemical Eng and Material Science) and originally lived in Amarillo TX before moving to Champaign, Illinois about 10 yrs ago. We have 9yo twins, a boy and a girl, who keep us quite busy. I am Product Line Director for Cabot Corporation, a specialty chemicals company focused on fine particles. Most of the time is spent working scale-up and commercial production of new products. Laura has worked as Asst Professor at West TX A&M, was home for a while with the kids, and most recently has been teaching engineering to HS students at the local community college.
It is great to see that everyone is doing well. We would love to get together sometime for a reunion. My mother and Laura's parents are still in KY (Lou/Lex areas) so we are back there 5-6 times a year. It is close enough to drive, so with planning we could make it some weekend.
It was great to get your letter! After college, Brenda Bland and I both moved to the Northeast (me to graduate school at Columbia and Brenda to attend massage therapy school in Connecticut). We married in 1997, and after I got my PhD in genetics, came out to San Diego for what we thought would be a couple of years for my post-doctoral fellowship.
11 years and two little girls later, we're still here. Brenda still rocks massage and does the mom thing, and I'm director of biology at a local biotech (as well as doing the dad thing).
We get back to Kentucky to see Brenda's family once or twice a year. We'd certainly enjoy seeing everyone.
Okay -- so I wrote a huge life-story the day after I received the letter and lost it all when I tried to send it. I saw all of the responses to the reunion question today and thought that i should try again. I really loved to see everyone else's responses!
So after I graduated high school, I went to Transy, then U of L med school, and stayed there for my pediatric residency.
I married a fellow peds resident who'd gone to med school there as well and we moved to N Ky after graduating peds together in 1998. We travelled and revelled in having lives and decided it was time to grow up and really settle down. We now have three kids between the ages of 4 and 7 (almost 8) and work about 3/4-time each.
My girls and I take Indian classes (I did for 7 years while in Louisville) and the older two (the girls) also play soccer (my husband coaches both of their teams).
My husband and I have huge aspirations to stay in shape and try to run a few times a week and he still plays soccer and basketball. We ran the Philly half-marathon in November and have signed up for the full in NYC (it's a lottery and not a qualifying marathon) which runs in early November. We find out if we egt to run it this year or not on April 7th.
We still travel -- India this past Xmas break with the three kids, Hilton Head every year, Yosemite this coming summer with the kids and both sets of grandparents (Chris and I plan on hiking HalfDome), a trip this fall to hike Mt. Whitney in order to gauge our lungs and strngth for the biggie -- Kili in February 2011!
Okay, so anyone who knows me, knows I am not the exercise-type. So why am I doing all of this stuff now? BECAUSE I AM MARRIED TO A LUNATIC!! He gets these great ideas about doing this and that and I hate to feel left out! I don't want to miss anything and have regrets. Maybe I am the lunatic?
Anyway, I was so proud of myself for finishing the Philly half- and feeling good even at the end and making it in 2'19, that I figured I'd try a full. Maybe I will lose my baby-belly.....
Alan tracked me down, I'm on Facebook if you're looking for me search Ellen de Graffenreid (yes, only Ellen could go from the last name Forderhase to one that is WORSE).
I graduated from Indiana, got an MA in Russian History at UNC-Chapel Hill, worked for a foreign aid organization for a few years and went back and did an MBA, also at Chapel Hill.
I've toured the country working in technology marketing, market research and higher ed/health care marketing and, ten years later, am back at UNC-Chapel Hill directing the communications and marketing office at the comprehensive cancer center and the cancer hospital.
That means I translate the geek scientists (I'm talking to you Todd and John) into something that English majors can understand as well as a number of other duties.
Currently my life seems to be all about home improvement since we just bought a house here in N.C. My stepchildren are in their 20s and relatively self-sufficient.
For fun, I run semi-long distances, try to train my welsh corgis (impossible since my husband untrains them), volunteer, and do lots of creative stuff.
I would be up for a reunion, depending on the timing. Academia is all deadlines in April and November and I have a major conference to run in April 2011. However, my parents still live in KY (I was at University of Louisville until UNC made me an offer I couldn't refuse) so I get there at least once a year.
Hey Ellen, speaking of home improvement, we just moved (last Saturday) into a new home. We're in the process of spending too much at Home Depot and trying to figure out what frakking box in the garage holds the most current essential item.
Leenata, while not as crazy as you seem to be, I am doing a three day hike in Yosemite this summer with a friend in July, as well. No half-dome for me though. Brenda and I love Yosemite, and can't wait for the kids to be old enough for some hiking.
Hi, Tom! Wow. what a surprise! It so soooo great to hear from everyone. I have really enjoyed hearing how everyone is doing. By my count..THREE marriages from GSP...talk about life changing :-) I am sure we are seeing some type of record here.
As for my lfe, I went to Ky Wesleyan and double majored in CompSci and Mathematics. I have been with UPS for, omg, 19 years (we really aren't that old are we?). I designed and maintain computer systems in the Pilot Crew area for them. I love my job b/c it is new every day!
Family: I have a 16 year old clone, Tiffany (was I ever that hyper and active back then?). My son turns 11 this month. In addition to my two, my husband, Kevin of 2 years, has four kids: Nick (17), Zack (14), Dylan (12), and Kayley (8). Tiffany, Cam-Man, and Kay-Kay all live with us.
We are into Karate (Cam-Man) and Soccer (Kay-Kay and Zack), and elementary ministry (Tiff and I).
I still live in Shelbyville. Guess city life just wasn't for me. My husband built us a house in front of our kids' school to keep us from driving to the school every night. Not really in town, but we have already decided we want to start looking for land back in the woods. We miss the country home he had!
Guess you are up to speed on me! I have a few others that are not on your list that I will send this to. I keep in contact with Matt Black. He, John / Laura Nagel, and I have maintained a close relationship since '87. It is AWESOME to have friends like that!
By the way... 200 bonus points will be awarded to the person who posts the first comment!
Hey Tom. It's Alan Simpson. I got your letter today. It was good to hear from you. I hope you get a good response here. I will now bore you with the details of mu life:
I have been in jail for the past 15 years. Luckily for me, I work there and get to go home at night. I run the library there and also work 3 days a week at the public library. I've been married for almost 18 years and have a 14 year old son and 10 year old daughter.
Please ignore the blog attached to my log in name, it was a blog for training at work. My real, much neglected one is at theycallmetater.wordpress.com. You can also find me on Facebook(www.facebook.com/jalansimpson), Twitter(twitter.com/theycallmetater) and friendfeed(www.friendfeed.com/theycallmetater) I would be interested in a reunion. Just let me know when and where.
Hey Alan, great to hear from you! I suppose I should also share what I've been up to all these years.
I've been working at Fidelity Investments for about 12 years. I still live in Northern Kentucky, just outside Cincinnati. And I still love playing, collecting, and listening to music. I now have about 500 CD's in my collection, which ranges from the 1920's to today. (Rick Marshall, if you're reading this, I figure you're partly to blame for that!)
I'm also on Facebook; click here to add me as a friend.
Hi, Tom, this is Carroll. I got your letter yesterday. It's been so long since we got an actual letter that opening it was like the caveman scene from '2001'--we poked it, sniffed it, tried to eat it, then (after searching on Google) realized it was something to read. For years, I've been trying to reconnect with folks, and having little success at it, so kudos to you for going the snail mail route.
After GSP, I went to Georgetown, then off to law school. Since passing the bar in 1997, I've been living in DC, accumulating the usual compliment of spouses (1) and children (3), and working for a series of environmental non-profits. (I think you left me a phone message when I was at Greenpeace, but I inadvertently deleted it. Doh!)
At the moment, I'm consulting, editing a book, and trying to stop the cat from eating my laptop.
I look forward to hearing from everyone, and I love the reunion idea.
Carroll Muffett
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/carroll.muffett
Email: wcmuffett@yahoo.com.
Hi, it's Lori (Ford) Durham here. After GSP I attended Centre College and majored in mathematics (also got my teaching certificate). Some of you may know my husband, Keith Durham, who also attended the same GSP session. We married in 1991, live in Lexington, and have three kids under 6. I taught high school for 13 years but am now in the second year of being a stay-at-home mom. I would love to hear from friends from that summer.
To the greatest actor/drummer since Ringo:
Tom, it's great to hear from you! Thank you for taking the initiative to reach out to us. Hello to all GSP '86 alums. I enjoyed reading your comment, Alan's, Lori's and Carroll's (hello, rabbit!). I would like to attend a reunion.
After GSP, I graduated from the University of Evansville. I moved to Houston to attend law school. After graduating and passing the bar in 1993, I got married and became a prosecutor for the city of Houston. After 2 years as a civil litigator, I moved to Dallas to become the assistant chief prosecutor. I did that until 2004 when I was appointed a Dallas municipal court judge.
I look forward to corresponding with you (all or y'all) and seeing you (all or y'all)!
Hi Tom and all- Thanks for making the effort to look everyone up.
After 4 yrs apart for college, but still dating, Laura Berryman and I got married and went to Caltech for grad school together. We both got PhDs (Chemical Eng and Material Science) and originally lived in Amarillo TX before moving to Champaign, Illinois about 10 yrs ago. We have 9yo twins, a boy and a girl, who keep us quite busy. I am Product Line Director for Cabot Corporation, a specialty chemicals company focused on fine particles. Most of the time is spent working scale-up and commercial production of new products. Laura has worked as Asst Professor at West TX A&M, was home for a while with the kids, and most recently has been teaching engineering to HS students at the local community college.
It is great to see that everyone is doing well. We would love to get together sometime for a reunion. My mother and Laura's parents are still in KY (Lou/Lex areas) so we are back there 5-6 times a year. It is close enough to drive, so with planning we could make it some weekend.
My Top 5 memories of GSP
5. Performing Zae Munn's wacky avant-garde, spoken-word compositions
4. Hearing Joe Lavoy's rendition of "I Walk the Line"
3. Singing "Runaround Sue" with a bunch of lunatics in a fountain
2. Seminar coordinator: "What do you want to take away from the Governor's Scholars Program?" Alan Simpson: "The ashtrays"
1. Playing drums with my first rock band, the Non-Negotiables
Hi Tom (And everyone else),
It was great to get your letter! After college, Brenda Bland and I both moved to the Northeast (me to graduate school at Columbia and Brenda to attend massage therapy school in Connecticut). We married in 1997, and after I got my PhD in genetics, came out to San Diego for what we thought would be a couple of years for my post-doctoral fellowship.
11 years and two little girls later, we're still here. Brenda still rocks massage and does the mom thing, and I'm director of biology at a local biotech (as well as doing the dad thing).
We get back to Kentucky to see Brenda's family once or twice a year. We'd certainly enjoy seeing everyone.
Morituri te salutamus!
Okay -- so I wrote a huge life-story the day after I received the letter and lost it all when I tried to send it. I saw all of the responses to the reunion question today and thought that i should try again. I really loved to see everyone else's responses!
So after I graduated high school, I went to Transy, then U of L med school, and stayed there for my pediatric residency.
I married a fellow peds resident who'd gone to med school there as well and we moved to N Ky after graduating peds together in 1998. We travelled and revelled in having lives and decided it was time to grow up and really settle down. We now have three kids between the ages of 4 and 7 (almost 8) and work about 3/4-time each.
My girls and I take Indian classes (I did for 7 years while in Louisville) and the older two (the girls) also play soccer (my husband coaches both of their teams).
My husband and I have huge aspirations to stay in shape and try to run a few times a week and he still plays soccer and basketball. We ran the Philly half-marathon in November and have signed up for the full in NYC (it's a lottery and not a qualifying marathon) which runs in early November. We find out if we egt to run it this year or not on April 7th.
We still travel -- India this past Xmas break with the three kids, Hilton Head every year, Yosemite this coming summer with the kids and both sets of grandparents (Chris and I plan on hiking HalfDome), a trip this fall to hike Mt. Whitney in order to gauge our lungs and strngth for the biggie -- Kili in February 2011!
Okay, so anyone who knows me, knows I am not the exercise-type. So why am I doing all of this stuff now? BECAUSE I AM MARRIED TO A LUNATIC!! He gets these great ideas about doing this and that and I hate to feel left out! I don't want to miss anything and have regrets. Maybe I am the lunatic?
Anyway, I was so proud of myself for finishing the Philly half- and feeling good even at the end and making it in 2'19, that I figured I'd try a full. Maybe I will lose my baby-belly.....
Glad to be re-connecting...
Leenata (Toe)
I have an addendum to make -- my girls and I take Indian DANCE classes
Hey y'all,
Alan tracked me down, I'm on Facebook if you're looking for me search Ellen de Graffenreid (yes, only Ellen could go from the last name Forderhase to one that is WORSE).
I graduated from Indiana, got an MA in Russian History at UNC-Chapel Hill, worked for a foreign aid organization for a few years and went back and did an MBA, also at Chapel Hill.
I've toured the country working in technology marketing, market research and higher ed/health care marketing and, ten years later, am back at UNC-Chapel Hill directing the communications and marketing office at the comprehensive cancer center and the cancer hospital.
That means I translate the geek scientists (I'm talking to you Todd and John) into something that English majors can understand as well as a number of other duties.
Currently my life seems to be all about home improvement since we just bought a house here in N.C. My stepchildren are in their 20s and relatively self-sufficient.
For fun, I run semi-long distances, try to train my welsh corgis (impossible since my husband untrains them), volunteer, and do lots of creative stuff.
I would be up for a reunion, depending on the timing. Academia is all deadlines in April and November and I have a major conference to run in April 2011. However, my parents still live in KY (I was at University of Louisville until UNC made me an offer I couldn't refuse) so I get there at least once a year.
So, now I'm tracked down and updated.
Hey Ellen, speaking of home improvement, we just moved (last Saturday) into a new home. We're in the process of spending too much at Home Depot and trying to figure out what frakking box in the garage holds the most current essential item.
Leenata, while not as crazy as you seem to be, I am doing a three day hike in Yosemite this summer with a friend in July, as well. No half-dome for me though. Brenda and I love Yosemite, and can't wait for the kids to be old enough for some hiking.
It's great hearing from you all!
Hi, Tom! Wow. what a surprise! It so soooo great to hear from everyone. I have really enjoyed hearing how everyone is doing. By my count..THREE marriages from GSP...talk about life changing :-) I am sure we are seeing some type of record here.
As for my lfe, I went to Ky Wesleyan and double majored in CompSci and Mathematics. I have been with UPS for, omg, 19 years (we really aren't that old are we?). I designed and maintain computer systems in the Pilot Crew area for them. I love my job b/c it is new every day!
Family: I have a 16 year old clone, Tiffany (was I ever that hyper and active back then?). My son turns 11 this month. In addition to my two, my husband, Kevin of 2 years, has four kids: Nick (17), Zack (14), Dylan (12), and Kayley (8). Tiffany, Cam-Man, and Kay-Kay all live with us.
We are into Karate (Cam-Man) and Soccer (Kay-Kay and Zack), and elementary ministry (Tiff and I).
I still live in Shelbyville. Guess city life just wasn't for me. My husband built us a house in front of our kids' school to keep us from driving to the school every night. Not really in town, but we have already decided we want to start looking for land back in the woods. We miss the country home he had!
Guess you are up to speed on me! I have a few others that are not on your list that I will send this to. I keep in contact with Matt Black. He, John / Laura Nagel, and I have maintained a close relationship since '87. It is AWESOME to have friends like that!
Blessing to all! debra <><
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